Elon University

The National Information Infrastructure: Agenda for Action.

Americans can harness this technology to: Create jobs, spur growth, and foster U.S. technological leadership; reduce health care costs while increasing the quality of service in underserved areas; deliver higher-quality, lower-cost government services; prepare our children for the fast paced workplace of the 21st century; build a more open and participatory democracy at all levels of government.

The National Information Infrastructure: Agenda for Action.

An advanced information infrastructure will enable U.S. firms to compete and win in the global economy, generating good jobs for the American people and economic growth for the nation. As importantly, the NII can transform the lives of the American people – ameliorating the constraints of geography, disability, and economic status – giving all Americans a fair opportunity to go as far as their talents and ambitions will take them.

The National Information Infrastructure: Agenda for Action.

People could live almost anywhere they wanted, without foregoing opportunities for useful and fulfilling employment, by ÔtelecommutingÕ to their offices through an electronic highway. The best schools, teachers, and courses would be available to all students, without regard to geography, distance, resources, or disability. Services that improve AmericaÕs health care system and respond to other important social needs could be available on-line, without waiting in line, when and where you need them.


While the highway metaphor illuminates the strengths of an interconnected society, it also suggests possible problems. Writing in the computer journal Communications of the ACM, Peter G. Neumann notes some of them: traffic jams, road kill, drunken drivers, and car jackers, as well as drag races, joy riders, toll bridges and crashes.

Chapter 8: The Perils and Promise of the Electronic Republic

The multi-billion-dollar investments in the developing new telecommunications landscape are driven by a simple, irresistibly tempting vision – the prospect of converting every home and workplace in the nation into a computerized electronic movie theater; shopping mall; video game arcade; business, information and financial center; and perhaps even gambling casino, run by remote control and open all day long, every day of the week. The information highway will not be a freeway but an automated private toll road, traveled mostly by those who can afford the pay the price for the wealth of popular entertainment, information, data, communications, and transaction services it will carry.