Elon University

Chapter 5: Paths to the Highway

Over the next few years the Internet will improve and provide easy access, wide availability, a consistent user interface, easy navigation, and integration with other commercial on-line services … Full audio and video support will require significant changes in the network and probably won’t be available for several years. When these changes do happen, they will set up the Internet in direct competition with the phone companies’ voice networks. Their different pricing approaches will make the competition interesting to watch.

Chapter 5: Paths to the Highway

The Internet is a wonderful, critical development and a very clear element of the final system, but it will change significantly in the years ahead. The current Internet lacks security and needs a billing system. Much of the Internet culture will seem as quaint to future users of the information highway as stories of wagon trains and pioneers on the Oregon Trail do to us today … In fact, the Internet of today is not the Internet of even a short time ago. The pace of its evolution is so rapid that a description of the Internet as it existed a year or even six months ago might be seriously out-of-date.

Chapter 5: Paths to the Highway

The full highway is unlikely to be available in homes for at least a decade … Constructing the highway will be a big job. It will require the installation of not only physical infrastructure, such as fiber-optic cable and high-speed switches and servers, but also the development of software platforms … The same sort of competition that took place within the PC industry during the 1980s is taking place now to create the software components that will constitute the information highway platform. The software that runs the highway will have to offer great navigation and security, electronic-mail and bulletin board capabilities, connection to competing software components, and billing and account services.

Why Wired?

The digital revolution is whipping through our lives like a Bengali typhoon … the computer “press” is too busy churning out the latest PCInfoComputingCorporateWorld iteration of its ad sales formula cum parts catalog to discuss the meaning or context of social changes so profound their only parallel is probably the discovery of fire.

Chapter 8: Carl

A gift economy outside a small tribal setting doesn’t work, period. The idea that the Net was, is, or can be a gift economy is the real nonsense in this discussion.