Elon University

Abort, Retry, Fail: Renaming the Info Highway

[While the Information Superhighway is a bad name, it could be a great acronym, standing for] Interactive Network For Organizing, Retrieving, Manipulating, Accessing, And Transferring Information On National Systems, Unleashing Practically Every Rebellious Human Intelligence, Gratifying Hackers, Wiseacres, And Yahoos.

A Normative View of Networking Applications

Our determinations of policy and regulation governing the operation of these industries should be determined by first making explicit the long-term goals and objectives of networking technology within a societal context. What are the benefits that this technology can offer the society in the future? What are the dangers to our democratic values posed by the technology? How do our decisions aid in encouraging the realization of the benefits and the avoiding of the dangers? … We need to be anticipatory as opposed to being reactive … Current regulatory mechanisms may not be the ones that will allow us to realize some of the more desirable benefits of networking technology.

A Normative View of Networking Applications

There are two areas that we believe are critical for the future of the society. The first is the introduction of truly free and open-access information marketplaces in the electronic networking environment. If, as a society, we truly believe in the free-enterprise system, then this becomes an obvious normative objective for the society. Along with this is the obvious need to make sure common-carrier pricing for digital-data transmission becomes independent of volume discounts. The second area is the potential this technology holds for education, training, and life-long learning objectives. It should go without saying that the functioning of a democracy is related to the educational level of its citizenship.