Elon University

Lessons From The Luddites

Industrialism, the ethos encapsulating the values and technologies of Western civilization, is seriously endangering stable social and environmental existence on this planet, to which must be opposed the values and techniques of an organic ethos that seeks to preserve the integrity, stability, and harmony of the biotic communities, and the human community within it.

Literary Freeware: Not for Commercial Use

There’s a revolution in global telephony coming that will have such brutal, industry-crushing speed and power that it will make even the computer industry blanch. Analog is dying everywhere. Everyone with wire and antenna is going into the business of moving bits.

Sex Online: Shhhh, It’s a Secret

During the peak hours on CompuServe the chat system is full and will reject you when you try to get on. AOL has so many people chatting that it’s almost impossible to count them … This is a sociological trend that needs closer study. Is there some secret need for this lurking in our collective unconscious? I think it’s time some sociologists take a close look and tell us what it all means.

3. Information Infrastructure Technology and Applications Program Elements-3.1 Overview

A more effective software development paradigm and technology base will be developed. This will be founded on the principles of composition rather than construction, solid architectures rather than ad hoc styles, and more direct user involvement in all stages of the software life cycle. The entire technology base developed in this program, including services and software, will be leveraged across the National Challenges, leading to significant economies of scale in the development costs.

3. Information Infrastructure Technology and Applications Program Elements-3.1 Overview

With the incorporation of IITA activities, the HPCC Program will advance intelligent system interfaces, real environments augmented with virtual environments, image understanding, language and speech understanding, intelligent agents aiding humans “in the loop,” and next-generation data and object bases for electronic libraries and commerce.