Elon University

Bill Gates, Evangelist: Q & A

Almost every market you can conceive of will work far more efficiently because it will be mediated electronically. You are talking about something that is very fundamental.

Chapter 4: Applications and Appliances

Many homes are already attached to two dedicated communications infrastructures: telephone lines and television cables. When these specialized communication systems have been generalized into a single digital-information utility, the information highway will have arrived.

Chapter 4: Applications and Appliances

A variety of PC-like appliances will allow each of us to stay in touch over the highway with other people as well as with information. These will include digital replacements for many of the analog devices, including televisions and telephones, that surround us today.

Chapter 4: Applications and Appliances

The highway will come about because of a confluence of technological advances in both communications and computers. No single advance would be able to produce the necessary killer applications. But together these will. The highway will be indispensable because it will offer a combination of information, education services, entertainment, shopping, and person-to-person communication.

Chapter 2

At some point not far in the future, a single wire running into each home will be able to deliver all of a household’s digital data. The wire will either be fiber, which is what long distance telephone calls are carried on now, or coaxial cable … That single wire bringing the network will certainly carry much more than phone calls, movies, news. But we can no more imagine what the information highway will carry in 25 years than a Stone Age man using a crude knife could have envision Ghiberti’s Baptistery doors in Florence.