Elon University

The Ecstatic Document

The relationship of ideas becomes more important than the ideas, just as information is more important than data. The expert is the one who sees (or can find out) how things relate, not the one who has the most facts.

The Ecstatic Document

Knowledge becomes not content but a talent, just as musical ability denotes what you can do, not what you contain.

Faded Genes

In 2088, our branch on the tree of life will come crashing down, ending a very modest (if critically acclaimed) run on planet earth. The culprit? Not global warming. Not atomic war. Not flesh-eating bacteria. Not even too much television. The culprit is the integrated circuit … By 2090, the computer will be twice as smart and twice as insightful as any human being. It will never lose a game of chess, never forget a face, never forget the lessons of history. By 2100, the gap will grow to the point at which homo sapiens, relatively speaking, might make a good pet. Then again, the computers of 2088 might not give us a second thought.

Digital Refusnik: Sven Birkerts Believes that Technology is Leeching the Spiritual Out of Human Experience

Pretty soon, every household will be a centered unit that pulls all its elements together into one great communicating pipe organ. At the same time, there has to be a flattening of the human. It’s essential to the hive life, which challenges the old terms of what it means to form a life. As everything else in our society becomes streamlined, it becomes harder to resist the trend. Over the generations, people will have increasingly similar lives.