Elon University

The Emerging Internet Market

As more and more “traditional” industries and businesses start to use the Internet as a business tool, the demand for Internet service providers in many forms will increase dramatically. However, few of these new customers can or should be expected to show the tolerance normally afforded fledgling industries in high-technology areas. This is especially true as the Internet promoters themselves have built up an expectation that the industry is more mature than other new technologies owing to its relative age and maturity.

Fifth Annual Internet Society Conference Draws 1,500

The current IP address will be replaced by a cellular phone-like world of accessibility; packets will give way to programs; PC’s will become network machines; and the digital signal processing revolution will be eased out by the concept of network inlets.

It’s Bandwidth and Symmetry, Stupid!

We’re really defining the Cyberspace. It’s not something that’s going to come from Washington, it’s not something that’s coming from a vision by the president of Bell Atlantic no matter how many times he’s on the cover of Fortune Magazine … Internet 3.0 is the dial tone, it’s scalable and symmetric at 25 megabits to everyone’s plug. Bits are fungible – datacom, images, real audio, 2D and 3D video. The question is how do you get there.

It’s Bandwidth and Symmetry, Stupid!

We still have another factor of a hundred or so to go to adhere to the projection [for the Internet]. We need probably another factor of a thousand to do the kind of things [we expect] for Internet-3 … I don’t think we’ll have relative [fully functioning video] for awhile, but … they’re going to know you’re a dog if you’re on Internet.

It’s Bandwidth and Symmetry, Stupid!

With more bandwidth, do we need CDs at all? … The worst thing about the arrival of magazines and reports is the ability to find the magazine and article once you’ve read it. Did you throw it away? where is it filed? what issue is it in? I’d gladly pay extra for online access to a magazine so that I don’t have to file it. In some cases, I’d pay extra to never get it at all and simply access it when I need to. Bills is my favorite one to come electronically … Merchants send us their bills via email. And thank god, faxes are disappearing. We owe it to the world to get rid of faxes. And finally personal letters. For many of us letters have almost disappeared. We don’t owe it to the world to get rid of personal letters because they’re nice things. In a lot of cases, Internet brings people closer together because they’re on already and using it for personal communication is easy and natural.

Former Key Digital Researcher Joins Microsoft Robot Project

A robot that can interact with people and be manipulated over long distances, perhaps over the Internet … He said he hopes in about five years to create a robot … “How you would do it and why anybody would want it are questions that have to be answered.”

Electrifying Speech: New Communications Technologies and Traditional Civil Liberties

Widespread and fairly allocated computerized resources can offer: increased citizen participation in and oversight of government affairs; assembly, organizing and debate unrestricted by geographical distances or boundaries; decentralized decision making; a challenge to news and publishing monopolies; rapid international exchange of information; and individually-tailored, focused information to combat the information glut that interferes with communication … It is important that those concerned with civil liberties enter the electronic forum with a mixture of optimism and vigilance and take part in the debate on its future while that debate is still open.