Elon University

The Executive Computer: Put on Your Data Glove and Goggles and Step

Cyberspace will require, and in turn generate, billions of dollars in economic activity, creating, among other things, the largest unreal estate market the world has ever known. Indeed, the cultural and economic impact of a fully deployed cyberspace system is unmeasurable.

Sun Rises on the Superhighway

I strongly believe that we can solve two problems with technology. One is communication; more wars are caused by miscommunication than anything else, and technology can help there. The other is ignorance. With technology, we can address the problem with things like distance learning. And we can return to the idea of the master craftsmen teaching apprentices. We can leverage the skills and experience of the really clever and make them accessible to everyone.

New Media for Technical Communicators

Duin sees a blending of social and techinical areas of expertise in the future – merging studies of the technologies (interactive, multimedia and virtual reality) with the contexts of use (power, politics, relevance).