Elon University

Testimony of William L. Schrader

Exploration feeds our basic need for learning and satisfies our requirement for new knowledge. Exploration and knowledge have driven every advance in modern civilization. The Internet opens new pathways to knowledge. The benefits from that knowledge, and the learning that follows, will benefit not only the user but our society in general.

Testimony of William Schrader

Who are the likely providers of the future? The answer to this question will be read carefully by all Wall Street investors, and it is not wise to comment directly on the record. However, in general, small independent players will survive if they find a niche market in which to operate, while the regional and national independents must compete against the Big Guys on cost.

Gore Sees Privatization of Global Data Links

[A] planetary information network [should be created to promote economic growth, foster democracy and] link the people of the world. It will be a means by which families and friends will transcend the barriers of time and distance. It will make possible a global information marketplace, where consumers can buy and sell products.

Testimony of William Schrader

The efficiencies of the Internet technology might put price and performance pressure on existing telephone company services which could produce a net decrease in revenue.

Gore: Confident the U.S. Can Become ‘A Premiere Information Marketplace’

The number of miles dwarfs that of the interstate. But they would not exist except for the clear direction, the definition of standards, the clear idea of what an interstate highway is, what it looks like, where it is, what it means. And then everybody else can sort of aim toward that reality. And that’s what’s happening [with the Internet] and we anticipated that.

Computer Project Would Speed Data

This [the NREN] represents a great example of how industry and government can work together to develop a key technology needed for the effective use of a national network of data super-highways soon to be in place.