Elon University

Visions of Japan’s Internet Development: A Report on the Hyper Network ’95, Beppu Bay Conference

When this media blitz is over, people will start to get tired of using things like Netscape to read Web pages online every day. I mean, all these things about reading glossy magazines online – people are going to realize they can just buy a paper magazine and take it to a coffee shop to read … Once the initial rush to get on the Internet is over, people will start to look for a community to get guidance from.

A.8. National Science Foundation

[High-Performance Computing Communications and networked communication can be key in looking at the Changing Context of NII.] The proposed National Information Infrastructure promises a radical transformation of the way Americans at all levels generate, transmit, access, and use information.

3. Information Infrastructure Technology and Applications Program Elements-3.1 Overview

High-Performance Computing Communications and networked communication can be key in future National Challenges: … Services provide the underlying network-capable building blocks upon which the National Challenges can be constructed. They will form the basis of the ubiquitous “Information Web” of the 21st century. Services bridge the gap between the communications bitways and the application-specific software components that implement the National Challenges.

The Pursuit of Techno-Happiness

In our education process we teach this blind faith in technology. We need to basically present the antitechnology viewpoint as reasonable. That we should look at [technology] with an incredibly critical eye. Just because we can do X, Y, Z, doesn’t mean we should do X, Y, Z.