Elon University

The Word On Internet Access

In a marketplace expected to grow at 200 percent through the rest of the century, we expect consolidation to be some ways off … What is important is good prices, good customer service, and good GUI.

The Word On Internet Access

In a marketplace expected to grow at 200 percent through the rest of the century, we expect consolidation to be some ways off … What is important is good prices, good customer service, and good GUI.

A Statement of Principle

I wish there were people in the Electronic Frontier whose moral integrity unquestionably matched the unleashed power of those digital machines … The future is a dark road and our speed is headlong.

A Statement of Principle

There’s something direly mean spirited and ungenerous about inventing a language and then renting it out to other people to speak. There’s something unprecedented and sinister in this process of creeping commodification of data and knowledge. A computer is something too close to the human brain for me to rest entirely content with someone patenting or copyrighting the process of its thought … I don’t think democracy will thrive in a milieu where vast empires of data are encrypted, restricted, proprietary, confidential, top-secret, and sensitive. I fear for the stability of a society that builds sand castles out of databits and tries to stop a real-world tide with royal commands.