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Name: Russ Brow
From: Massachusetts
Bio: Network Administrator with 8 years experience in IT.
Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator
Topic: Technology
Headline: Airborne Particles Do the Work
Nutshell: Nano-charged particles in the air (influenced by human touch) will replace all current devices for global communications.
Vision:Devices of the future will no longer use reliant electricity, they will self-generate energy. All modern electronic device functions are in one wireless device on the floor.
The device projects the items into the air (ie. press a button for your pc, web browser, your PDA, you telephone dial pad for VOIP, etc). Once a choice is made a corresponding screen will display in the air by tiny nanocharged particles from the device on the floor.
When human interaction changes the state of an air charged nano particle, the wireless device will interpret the feedback. If it’s used for communication, it will be sent secure via global satellites as everything will be wireless except for major access points.
Date Submitted: November 11, 2004
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