Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Philip Oakley

From: Michigan

Bio: Internet user/web site developer

Area of Expertise: Advocate/Voice of the People

Topic: Technology

Headline: All for One and One for All

Nutshell: Cyber Society...Artifical Reality


The web will continue its integration with other technologies i.e. phone and television as well as the emergence of interactive artificial intellegence designed to assist people in new and novel ways.

Possiblities include interactive college classes taught by cyber-professors, judical matters ajudicated by cyber-judges & attornies, doctor consultations.

Also, as the interface technology evolves these interactions may take place within an artifically created three-dimensional environment (something like the holodeck in the television series "Star Trek – Next Generation") making it possible for people to conduct many business or other transactions from home within an artificial cyber environment.

There would be many offshoot benefits such as reduced energy/fuel consumption due to the decrease in individual travel/mobility.

The possibilities and applications are almost endless.

Date Submitted: November 11, 2004

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