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Name: Thomas Lowenhaupt
From: New York
Bio: Founder of Inc.
Area of Expertise: Advocate/Voice of the People
Topic: Community/Culture
Headline: City TLDs To Recenter Internet in Communities
Nutshell: In 2010 the ICANN will allow city TLDs (top level domains) for the first time, allowing cities to develop their traditional proximity roles for the digital era.
Vision:Cities have traditionally been places where ideas mingled and emerged in new forms. This proximity role has been challenged by the Internet’s global reach. In my home town, people have .com, .org, .net and dozens of other TLDs housing their ideas and activities. We’ve become dependent on search engines to try and find our neighbors.
For big cities served by regional communication channels, local issues traditionally are met only at the point of tragedy. In my "community district," with a population of 200,000 community, not one TV, radio, or daily newspaper serves our specific needs. Our .nyc TLD offers a new start, a clean sheet upon which we can plan our civic architecture for the digital era.
Date Submitted: August 13, 2008
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