Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Mike Purtell

From: New Hampshire

Bio: Web Developer

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: Technology

Headline: Easy Web Publishing

Nutshell: Anyone could create a data-driven web page - much as anyone can use spreadsheets.


Today, web development is often long and tedious, especially in data-driven sites. While some rapid development software is out there, web development is still the province of professionals and skilled amateurs.

With the use of the web expanding from browsing to online sales to blogging to just posting personal pictures, it seems that there is an ever-increasing need for individuals to post their own information on the web. Tools that create web pages, even complicated, data-driven ones, will be developed so that most average users can quickly publish to the Internet.

This could spark a whole new wave of web usage and demand. For example, my retiree parents can take their digital pictures, post them for myself and my sister to see (we are in three states) quickly and easily. I would no longer need to create their site. Beyond this, business users could create their own financial pages simply by undertanding their data. This could put me out of a job!

Date Submitted: November 11, 2004

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