Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Graham Phillips

From: South Carolina

Bio: User since 1985

Area of Expertise: Futurist/Consultant

Topic: Community/Culture

Headline: Education breaks down walls

Nutshell: I see a network which will break down worldwide political, racial and national boundaries.


Our present boundaries are based on the discussions we have with our neighbors, friends and workmates. As the internet expands and becomes more accessible to everyone, we will gain a broader outlook based on interaction with people all over the world.

I forsee free satellite connections to much simplified terminals with audible input and output and with translation capability so that universal connection is possible to all persons throughout the world.

This should reduce the present political barriers which are the cause of so much misunderstanding between groups of people, races and countries.

Hopefully this will eliminate wars and other strife.

Date Submitted: November 12, 2004

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