Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Hitesh Sawlani

Bio: Student... geek basically

Area of Expertise: Entrepreneur/Business Leader

Topic: Global Relationships/Politics

Headline: Electronic Voting (Constant Referendums)

Nutshell: The population votes on all major decisions (that are currently decided by the government) using the internet.


The reason we have a government to represent the people is that it makes it more simple if just a bunch of people speak for the rest, it saves time and money. What if everyone could speak for themselves in a very short time AND at no cost at all? E-Voting!

The government would for example bring up the issue of stem research and make an online referendum on wether it should be done on human embyros or not, then any person of age would be able to log on, read all the information about the topic on the internet, read articles on independant news sites… AND discuss the issues with others in discussion boards!

It’s like having a huuuuuuuge house of representatives! They then just vote for whatever they want. To reach this stage would take a long time since the current internet infrastructure simply isn’t secure enough.

The level of internet-education is still low, so a vote would be biased, not reflecting the vote of ALL (or grand majority) of the population. The year is 2004… i give it.. erm… 20 years :) remember.. weekly online referendum’s. You heard it here first! (I haven’t read a single vision so as not to inadvertedly steal ideas.)

Date Submitted: November 11, 2004

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