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Name: Carlos Quiroz
From: California
Bio: Internet User and Abuser
Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator
Topic: Community/Culture
Headline: End of civilization
Nutshell: War or environmental disaster is likely to destroy us.
Vision:The internet has agilized everything we do in our society. Personally, as an engineer, the internet has given me an open forum of exchange of ideas and practices that have accelerated the process to create and innovate. Unfortunately, as history has shown, technological advances when seen as a whole have created a higher-level standard of living for the people at the expense of a complete disregard for the environment.
This disregard will eventually reach its peak level of chaos and utimately will become the end of our civilization by either an environmental disaster or massive war with sophisticated weapons (biological, nuclear, social inequity) that will mark the end of civilization.
Date Submitted: November 11, 2004
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