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Name: Layton Olson
From: Illinois
Bio: Statewide community technology project manager
Area of Expertise: Advocate/Voice of the People
Topic: Communication
Headline: Information ATMs grow: e-library, e-transit, e-health cards
Nutshell: ATM-like personal-information-management tools will reach consumers to handle information, money transactions and personal-profile security
Vision:Managing the volume of information reaching individuals and enterprises will be competing consumer-oriented information ATM-like enterprises, similar to the competition for ATM card loyalty.
Information ATM cards will include e-library, e-learning/homework/report card, e-building entry profile/photo i.d., e-healthcare profile/provider registration card, along with e-transit cards such as large cities have now, adding debit features for
travel convenience at vending machines, such as in the multi-million-member Hong Kong transit-card system.
There will be competition among "consumer" groups to guarantee the quality of information, services, privacy, and "affiliate" groups seeking services for members/revenues in important life and personal information transitions.
"Goodinfo seals of approval" and "telecom service assemblies" in local areas of 5-60,000 residents will become widely used means to assist many kinds of consumers in using information to improve their quality of life.
Date Submitted: January 11, 2005
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