Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Nathan Burleson

From: Illinois

Bio: Web Programmer

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: Information Infrastructure

Headline: Integrated Homes

Nutshell: Homes of the future will react to voice commands, and the internet will be browsed from TV and other devices more than from a computer.


By 2010 all homes (if owner chooses) will be automated via voice, and connected to the internet. So, I will be able to enter my home and utter "internet" and my t.v. or other device will spark up and show the internet. I will then say "schedule — tonight", and my house will speak back telling me my schedule which will be pulled from a central, mostly secure database on the internet. Of course, I will be able to access this from my phone, watch, or tieclip, as well, so I needn’t wait until I get home.

Date Submitted: November 10, 2004

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