Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Martin

Bio: Internet user

Area of Expertise: Advocate/Voice of the People

Topic: Technology

Headline: Internet 24/7

Nutshell: A more powerful Internet will dominate the future.


The Internet in the future will probably be much more powerful and have a lot more information to share. It will be easier to share information and you probably won’t be able to illegally download multimedia from the net.

All your electronic stuff in the home will also be up on the net all the time. If somebody calls your home, the phone call will automatically be stored on the Internet so you can download it if you forgot something that the person who called said.

Also radio, television, mobile phones, mp3 players, your car and much more stuff will have a connection to the Internet, so in about 10 to 20 years you should get information whereever you are.

Nowadays the rich countries have fast Internet connections, but poor countries just sit on 56k on computers that were modern in the 90s hear. I hope that they build out broadband all over the world in max 10 – 20 years. If the satellite connection could be a little cheaper, the poor countries can use the Internet without any problem and they won’t need to bury cable all over their countries.

The Internet is one of the most used services in the world! I hope and think that it never will go down.

By Martin Granlund

Date Submitted: April 4, 2005

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