Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Ron Naylor

Bio: artist, teacher, symphonic composer, writer

Area of Expertise: Research Scientist/Illuminator

Topic: Getting, Sharing Information

Headline: Internet Arrays

Nutshell: In the future there will not be a single Internet but an interconnected array of specialised Internets.


An interconnected array of Internets powered by megadatabase computers will render public libraries obsolete as users will be able to download entire books of text or images to their computers, allow international and local videotelephones within the monthly telephone rental, allow for greater personal analysis of news events with news categorised to the user’s interest as well as general essential content, and allow television to be categorised to user preference before being sent to the household computer. Poor people will always be poor mostly through personal choice.

Date Submitted: November 10, 2004

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