Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Tomas

Bio: Internet user with experience

Area of Expertise: Advocate/Voice of the People

Topic: Technology

Headline: Internet vs. Reality

Nutshell: Is the Internet going to take the place of reality?


In a few years, people will be able to buy almost everything from the Internet. Each individual who is willing to pay an amount of money will get a machine. The machine will connect to your computer and it will have all the necessairy ingredients to make all the stuff you can order from the Internet. The best thing is that the things you can order will be at your desk in no time at all. The machine will be like one of Oppfinnar Jocke’s: one machine that can make everything.

We also won’t need to go out to meet friends anymore. The only thing we’ll need is a special pair of glasses and a connection to the Internet, and of course the software to run the program. We’ll meet our friends as if we were in the real life, we’ll "go" to the movies and it will be like we are really there, but instead we’ll be at our own apartments with our glasses on. The software will developed so we almost can’t see any difference between this so-called Virtual Reality and the real life.

I don’t think this development will be good for mankind. Peolple in the industrialized countries are already sitting more than they should, and with those inventions the average person’s health will sink to the bottom.

Date Submitted: April 4, 2005

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