Elon University

A vision for the future

This is one of nearly a thousand foresight statements shared by people from around the world. To return to the Voices of the People home page or to refine your search, click here.

Name: Jayanta

Bio: scientist, engineer, philanthropist, photographer

Area of Expertise: Research Scientist/Illuminator

Topic: Information Infrastructure

Headline: LIGHT

Nutshell: Enlightened Humanity


Nations should go; only humanity should remain…Perhaps we can accomplish this.

And Pew Research Center’s Internet project [the Pew Internet & American Life Project] should cover Global Life, which automatically, includes American Life (with complete respect to the nobility of Americans who initiated this…submitted by me, with utmost humility, respect and reverence for such unique Americans, and other nationals too, who think similarly)

Date Submitted: January 16, 2012

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