Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Chris Morris

From: Virginia

Bio: Technology Education Teacher, Server Administrator for my school, Internet User

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: Community/Culture

Headline: Mind-Blowing Internet

Nutshell: The internet will become all-powerful and all-inclusive; such that people will not ever need to leave their homes.


The internet is growing in power and ubiquity every day. We already see that through online financial management systems, internet chat rooms, and the online gaming community. These are laying the groundwork for the internet to become not only the dominant mode of communication and entertainment, but the only one as well.

The Interenet chat room philosophy has already given rise to the birth of a new language (the chat room language and abbreviation i.e. LOL).

By the year 2020 the Internet will be in 65% of the world’s homes. By 2050 the internet will be in 100% of the developed world’s homes, and will begin to expand to include the underprivelidged in poorer areas of the world. By 2100 80% of the world’s population will have internet readily available and will be used daily for all aspect of life.

100% of the world will be a part of the Internet society by the year 2200 A.D.

Date Submitted: November 11, 2004

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