Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Michael Skinner

From: Oklahoma

Bio: I am a web developer

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: Information Infrastructure

Headline: Mr. Smith Goes to Secure, Locked Down Internet

Nutshell: All software, e-mail, and networked traffic will be cryptographically encoded. There will be no anonymity.


The internet will cease to be anonymous. Authorities will know right away exactly where anything originates whether that something is a virus, spam, or legimate communcation.

Every piece of software, all email, and all networks will be encoded with unbreakable, quantum-based cryptographic codes. Most of the worlds bad actors will be arrested.

What will be left will be a place where a little guy can speak a big idea into the internet ether and get credit for it. On the other hand, the bad guys will find a way to use disposable computers, disposable software and even disposable networks. Fortunately, cost will inhibit this.

And good police work will still catch the bad guys.

Date Submitted: November 11, 2004

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