Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: PMD

From: New Hampshire

Bio: Work in IT in private secondary school

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: Community/Culture

Headline: Nero fiddles while Rome burns

Nutshell: People will become hermits; they will no longer need the social structure of housing developments/gathering at the well to share information. There will be a lack of original thought as people coopt ideas of others.


I work in an IT department at a mid-sized secondary school. My daughter also attended this school. I have watched students – including my daughter – become adicted to IM and all of the pretty lights that go with it. At one time, adults and youth would gather to discuss events and discoveries that had occurred – sharing insights and joy or horror. Now the internet has made most adults and children numb because they see it every day. They no longer are able to communicate efficiently face-to-face, but resort to IM or ICQ to share points and ideas or to scheme against the administration. They no longer use technology to enhance a learning experience but instead steal others’ ideas to finish a project or impress subordinates or peers.

So our culture continues to descend into a recognizable vision of the Rome Nero knew – with the domination of deepening depravity and the search for self gratification and entertainment.

I wonder was it all worth it?

Date Submitted: January 19, 2005

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