Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Jason Beckerman

From: New Jersey

Bio: Futurist Enthusiest

Area of Expertise: Futurist/Consultant

Topic: Global Relationships/Politics

Headline: On-Demand Political Voting

Nutshell: All electronic appliances will be networked together; this will allow dynamic voting of open political issues to provide on demand statistics about what the democracy is feeling on an issue.


I believe that in time, the digital divide will disapear as technology production capacities are increased. Once this occurs, we will see governments give tax breaks of some kind in order to poll the democracy on daily issues that the elected officials have to take part in voting on. This will bring democracy to a new level allowing all voices to be heard on all issues. This will also make sure that people who are uneducated stay within the political process.

Date Submitted: November 10, 2004

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