Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Matt Briggs

From: Kentucky

Bio: Long-standing Internet Dude

Area of Expertise: Author/Editor/Journalist

Topic: Information Infrastructure

Headline: One World Under Wavelengths

Nutshell: Subscription puts an end to piracy.


Imagine enough cell phone towers to put and end to dropped calls for ever. It will happen. Now imagine a wi-Max like broadcasting device on each of these towers. World Wide Wireless network. The new WWW. Theres no more purchasing software, movies, music; you subscribe and you get access. Your BIOS boots up and you punch in your username and password. Theoperating system of your choice loads over a wireless internet connection shared by all and you have access. To everything. Evry televison show, every movie, any piece of software, all of your covented MP3s, all streaming on demand, at your command. That is in addition to the huge double backed up database about your personal life that has been costantly recorded in emails, audio snipets, video shorts, and still shots; free space is no longer a factor nor does anyone need their own hard drive. After all, everything is online, everywhere, all of the time.

Date Submitted: November 10, 2004

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