Elon University

A vision for the future

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From: Washington

Bio: Internet User/Furturist/Consultant

Area of Expertise: Futurist/Consultant

Topic: Information Infrastructure

Headline: Our Complex Society

Nutshell: The U.S. will continue to dominate Cyberspace for decades/generations to come.


The United States is the most complex, diverse, mind-boggling society that ever appeared on earth.

Without computers and the software that runs them, we would not be able to function. What with defense, space, business, government, the list goes on. To take it all in, requires the sophistication of our cyber industry and the people. Most importantly, our underpinning is our Constitution and rule of law that gives order to our complexity, absent in most countries.

Most other countries do not have any of that and do not need it at the present time and the forseeable future (China, India, etc.) You have to live it to need it.

It’s like the "accent remediation" at Call Centers in India etc. Unless the agents there understand American culture, the accent comes across as phony. Watching "Friends" is NOT American culture!

In short, it is premature to predict the demise of the U.S. IT industry. Yes, IT jobs will migrate and Indian companies will give some U.S. stalwarts like IBM a run for their money higher up the value chain …that’s Globalization at its best!

Date Submitted: January 10, 2005

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