Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Deborah J. Boyd

From: Virginia

Bio: internet user,former politician,CTUonline student

Area of Expertise: Advocate/Voice of the People

Topic: Global Relationships/Politics

Headline: Peace through economic management and globalization

Nutshell: In the past, there have been artificial barriers to peace, the internet is in the process of breaking those barriers. It is crucial that over 60% of the world gets access to the internet. At that point, I envision true peace and not temporary truce.


I am studying for my BA at CTUonline. My class includes students from all over America, able to participate even while on active duty in the Army or Navy. The internet has become an equalizer in the world. It is true that most internet activity is still a preserve of the have’s. There are, however, many philanthropic efforts under way to get computers into every nook of the world.

Our world in America changed on 9/11/01 and Osama bin Laden gets his recruits from the ranks of uneducated, unemployed young men. With online education, we have the opportunity to spread objective education to try and eliminate this waste of human potential.

Right now there are hundreds of thousands of young Chineese about to graduate college with no employment opportunities. We need to turn around "greed" in capitalism to mission-centered, real human improvement and real ecological management.

I believe in God. My God has enough resources for the world to survive, but not if we the people allow egomaniacs to greedily hoard God-given resources.

The internet has made the world smaller. I pray that we never allow the internet to be controlled by any government. Globalization is misunderstood because of the short-sighted policies of existing businesses. Today more than ever the only thing we can teach in school is how to learn because we will forever be students or we will be lost in the history instead of part of the future.

Date Submitted: November 11, 2004

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