Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Donald J. Hartel

From: New York

Bio: Database programmer and Web development

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: Technology

Headline: Playing Internet Games

Nutshell: Alternate Reality Games will become much bigger and be as popular as more standard gaming types.


Given the success of "The Beast" and "I Love Bees," there is a market for a new type of game. The ARG (Alternate Reality Game) is going to come into its own. It lets the players transcend just playing the game, they are a piece of it. It challenges people in many different ways, and as such it will appeal to people who like having to solve problems outside of the box. I do not think this market is touched upon enough today, but it will be in the future.

Date Submitted: November 18, 2004

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