Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Jeff Schiemann

Bio: Security & Risk Management

Area of Expertise: Entrepreneur/Business Leader

Topic: Community/Culture

Headline: Proximity Computing & Social Networking

Nutshell: People will have the freedom to find, grow and develop items of personal value in their lives.


Communication in its most basic form (the spoken word) gives humans the ability to develop beyond other competitive species.

Communication in its next simplest form (the written word) took humanity thousands of years to develop.

Communication in its current form (words & text with enriched media) has increased humanity’s ability to build upon the lessons of all of our shared global experiences and cultures.

The challenge here is to create something of personal value between two temporary circuits (humans) that people want to grow as a trusted community or commitment.

People are the key to any communication system and the usages we find for this system generate the real value in terms of bettering and sometimes worsening the lives of people all around the world.

We must be careful to bring everyone into this communications age, as more people in the world have never been on the Internet than those who have known the power of the Internet’s global influence.

With the leaps of Communication over the last 200 years, the Internet just over the last 10 years, humanity increases its own ability to develop faster and improve, meeting the advanced needs of only a limited quarter of the world’s population.

If we want to continue to fulfill the promises and values spread across the world by the spoken and written words, then we need to ensure that the “digital divide” between the Internet haves of knowledge and the Internet have-nots of knowledge, the very essence of Communication, will become 0% percent in the near future.

Access to information, Communication and the knowledge that comes with it should be acknowledged as a basic human right. For it is only this access to information and knowledge through Communication will we better decide and grow humanity for the generations of humans to come.

Date Submitted: November 11, 2004

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