Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Fred Mendenhall

From: New Mexico

Bio: I make dreams come true.

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: General, Overarching Remarks

Headline: Quantum Jump in Human Intelligence

Nutshell: Internet augments human capabilities, resulting in massive gains of productivity and creativity.


Today word processing and the internet have allowed anyone to publish and distribute written material worldwide. Similiar trends are occuring in music and video. This is just the beginning of using the internet to augment human creativity. The internet will become a massive knowledge tool.

If you can ask a question, the internet will provide the best answer known to mankind. Not just simple data questions, but probing questions that require analysis of raw data. Such as: How has US foreign policy effected the development of democratic third would countries?

Eventually the internet will become a engine of creation, not only virtual but physical as well. If you can dream it, if you can articulate what you want made, the information will be transmitted to a smart, flexible manufacturing facility and the device will be made, packaged, and mailed to you.

Date Submitted: November 11, 2004

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