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Name: Denise L Mattock
From: Michigan
Bio: creative writer
Area of Expertise: Author/Editor/Journalist
Topic: Technology
Headline: Satellite interconnectivity to all planets through cyber interconnectivity
Nutshell: We will have ground-level satellites that interconnect thoughts to people, and satellites in space that interconnect visual astral planes to each other.
Vision:Cyber implants in the brain will connect through e-mail and visual internet connectivity, therefore everyone will search on something or someplace and connect instantly with a vision in the brain thus traveling in their minds instantly.
Physical motion will be a thing of the past; space travel will be done through probes and satellite vision; thus a thought could travel in time and space instantly.
GOD – Global Order Divination – I give this a name.
Traveling thoughts and images would be instant from one to another. The future is parallel thought from one person to another inside the brain.
OK, language as we know it will be a new type of language – a universal language of English to visual digital images with language. Communication will come as a queue. A satellite will pick up the visual mail and submit it instantly, and deep hyperspace will be possible.
Date Submitted: October 21, 2006
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