Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Ross

Bio: Internet user from the beginning

Area of Expertise: Pioneer/Originator

Topic: Community/Culture

Headline: Stars Wired for Partying Pay-Per-View

Nutshell: Wireless Virtual Reality...Pay-Per-View Internet


Humans will have wireless contacts they insert into their eyes which will function as a video screen. Wireless hi-fi speakers will be inserted into the ears in the present form of hearing aids. Both will be voice activated and communicate with the internet.

Pay-per-view internet services for education and entertainment will be developed for the user. For example, movie stars and sports hereos could provide a Saturday Night Entertainment Service. They would wear mini video cameras on contacts in their eyes or on jewelry attached to the head somewhere. The signals would be transmitted to the internet and back to the user who would see what the star saw on a Saturday night on the town or at a house party. The star would charge a fee per user.

Travel agencies could provide virtual tours. One could experience the climb to Mt. Everest or experience life at the space station. A country boy or girl could experience New York city on a Saturday night from a pimp’s view, from the mayor’s view or from Britney Spears’ view performing at Central Park.

Of course pornography will never be the same.

In the education field, students could experience a real time dig at a historical site or never have to enter a physical classroom. Students could choose virtual private schools on the internet with the best teachers.

In nature, mini cameras could be attached to animals and the internet user could see what the animal saw in nature. Pay Per View and a more exciting internet are around the corner.

Date Submitted: November 12, 2004

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