Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Christopher Jachmich

From: Texas

Bio: Internet enthusiast, small-time web designer, college student, musician

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: Technology

Headline: The Internet – Everywhere, All the Time

Nutshell: The Internet will be everywhere and will be part of every aspect of our daily lives.


EVERYWHERE – We will have access to the internet wherever we go. Cities are currently building city-wide wireless networks, but in 10-15 years ALL major urban areas will have this kind of infrastructure in place. Down the road, after technology has improved, you will not be able to go somewhere without having access to the Internet wirelessly all the time.

Right now, colleges, universities, high schools are using the internet to communicate assignments, allow work submissions, etc. Bills can be paid online, businesses have networks for communicating. Soon every aspect of our daily life will be connected to the Internet.

Date Submitted: November 12, 2004

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