Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Michael Granger

From: New Jersey

Bio: Computer Technician, multiple certifications in the industry - currently employeed in wireless ops.

Area of Expertise: Futurist/Consultant

Topic: General, Overarching Remarks

Headline: The New Internet

Nutshell: Bandwidth and application creativity will determine the future for the internet.


The future of the internet will be determined by 3 important factors:

1. The ways we connect to it.

2. The bandwidth for which we have to work within in.

3. The creative minds behind software application.

The biggest growth in Internet use will be through wireless applications. The internet is at the crux of almost every developing technology and will continue that role well into the 21st century.

The internet itself is now and will continue to serve as a medium for better and more flexible communication for ALL industries. Some speculation has been given to the current internet’s information-exchange capacity and security loopholes in respect to the World Wide Web. Harvard/MIT labs are currently constructing designs for a NEW internet with those concerns in mind. Here are some fun examples of what the future might hold…

– Offsite "virtual" surgery for doctors.

– Energy transfers via communications device on a hybrid car through local gas stations.

– Virtual music studios for musicans and producers.

– Remote control from anywhere for any robotic device (i.e. think of NASA’s MARS Land Rover)

– And my personal favorite: Wallpaper with a paper-thin display/wireless connection showing live feeds from "famous" centers in the world. Eat at your kitchen table with wallpaper displaying live action from, say, Times Square in NY.

Date Submitted: November 10, 2004

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