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Name: wesley
From: Alabama
Bio: I have been online at least 50 to 60 hours a week for 7 years!
Area of Expertise: Entrepreneur/Business Leader
Topic: Economic structures
Headline: Total Commerce Control
Nutshell: The ability to control all of your financial needs via the internet, or web-based tech.
Vision:The net provides us with credit card and loan abilities now. I see those going forward to even the gas station and the grocery store. By having web sites such as paypal that handle you money a person will one day have an active web wallet so to speak. That at retailer you can have all you vitals saved with you picture and password proctection built in. No more oops I forgot my wallet just pass the customer the PDA style input device they link to there E-WaLLET AND BOOM there is your money, state-issued E-ID and so on..this would make for less fraud due to the fact that your picture would be there on the site. You can program other users, too. I feel that the net will become very intergated into all aspects of our commerce in the next 10 to 15 yrs.
Date Submitted: November 10, 2004
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