Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: John Weathers

From: Maryland

Bio: communication and information junkie and visionary

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: Getting, Sharing Information

Headline: Tracking everything and everybody

Nutshell: I envision a future where an individual can track most of his possessions and family members as well as view video from their homes (such as a front-door camera) from their mobile device.


From one mobile device, I expect to be able to find out where I am through GPS, get directions to where I want to go, get notified if someone is at the door to my home and see video of that person, or get notified if someone is inside my home, also with video. I want to be able to track where my car is at any time and if it is moving when it shouldn’t be and be able to shut it off remotely if it is stolen and notify the police of its whereabouts. I want to be able to track the location of anything I choose, from my bicycle to my wallet using GPS transmitters. I want to be able to track where my children are at any time. I expect to be able to pay bills and transfer money remotely and search the internet, make phone calls and send email all from a single mobile device.

Date Submitted: November 10, 2004

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