Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: ron

From: Oklahoma

Bio: IT Professional

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: Technology

Headline: We are moving faster than we should!

Nutshell: The quest for making the almighty dollar will hurt development.


After being in the computer side of the house since the first trs-80 from Radio Shack in the ’80s it’s easy to see into the future. Here’s how it goes:

Companies push out buggy products and unsecure software due to deadlines and lack of giving a shi*. When a 14-year-old Russian hacker can cause major banks and airlines billions of dollars in losses without ever leaving his house…

Well… We need accept new technology slowly and not rush into every new product so gungho. Who really needs home fridge that’s tapped into the internet?

I hope for the best but I think it’s time to stop rushing blindly forward and take a step back and fix things that are already broke.

Date Submitted: November 12, 2004

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