Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Michael Henry

From: Louisiana

Bio: I've been using computers since I could read. I've been using BBS and such since the mid 80s

Area of Expertise: Author/Editor/Journalist

Topic: Technology

Headline: Web City

Nutshell: I see the Internet being navigated much like the streets of a virtual city.


My concept really comes from FASA’s "Shadowrun" cyberpunk setting, and is also seen in "Johnny Mnemonic" and other "Cyberpunk" type stories.

Technology could turn the internet into a virtual landscape, where domains appear as buldings, and surfers actually have visual personifications. Browsing a web-based store would be as simple as window shopping in the mall. Interactions with virtual constructs of clothing racks would be the same as opening up windows with lists of items, complete with his-res 3-D models so that it was almost like the real thing. Every program online would have as kind of construct representing it. Everything from Logon script-security guards to flash animation-televisions.

Date Submitted: November 12, 2004

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