Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Eric Hamilton

From: Michigan

Bio: Internet Company Owner / Web Developer

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: Technology

Headline: What happened to the American-born programmer?

Nutshell: A smaller world makes for a cheap labor market, and the U.S. software-development market will move outside the country.


Virtually 100% of the world’s software will be developed outside of the U.S. as the internet spreads further, as the technology gets cheaper, as 3rd-world countries acquire more of this technology and begin to train people in it. This trend will virtually eliminate the U.S. software developer pool.

The Silicon Valley of the future will be in be in Ho Chi Mihn city, Vietnam, or Johannesburg, South Africa. Software development will be dominated by 3rd-world countries as African-Americans have come to dominate professional basketball in the U.S.

Date Submitted: December 7, 2004

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