Moot Court Competition Photo
Elon Law’s 2015 Intramural Moot Court Competition champions Alexandria Hall, second from left, and Jennifer LaBeau, with final round judges, from left, the Honorable Louis A. Bledsoe III, Special Superior Court Judge for Complex Business Cases from Charlotte, NC; Lindsay R. Davis, Jr., Senior Resident Superior Court Judge, Guilford County; and, Michael L. Robinson, a partner with the firm of Robinson & Lawing LLP in Winston-Salem, NC.

The Moot Court Board invites rising 2L and 3L students at Elon Law to compete each spring in the Intramural Moot Court Competition. This contest provides students an opportunity to practice and sharpen the research, writing and oral advocacy skills they learn during the first year. In addition, 20 or more of the top performers in this annual competition are invited to join the Moot Court Board and to participate in the Board’s activities, which include sponsoring the intramural competition, hosting the Billings, Exum & Frye National Moot Court Competition, and fielding our own teams in competitions across the country.

The Moot Court Board appreciates the service of the many Elon Law alums, and other attorneys and judges, who volunteer their time in support of this competition.

Questions about Intramural Moot Court Competition or the Moot Court Program may be directed to Senior Associate Dean Dean Woodlief at

Past Competitions