Note: Click on titles below to view each article in PDF format.


Litigation Rules, Clausewitz, and the Strategies of War
By David Crump

“Tuning-Up” North Carolina’s Public Records Act: A Brief Discussion of Problem Areas and Possible Solutions
By Elliot Engstrom

H.B. 2 – A Lesson From History
By Peter D. Isakoff

Community Based Research: Introducing Students to the Lawyer’s Public Citizen Role
By Linda F. Smith

Common Law Evolution and Judicial Impact in the Age of Information
By Ryan Whalen, Brian Uzzi, & Satyam Mukherjee


Still Mocking Judicial Power? Determining Deference Accorded to the Justice Department in Review of Consent Decrees in Horizontal Mergers
By Rachel Frank


The Whole Truth: The Implications of America’s True Crime Obsession
By Megan Boorsma

The Fourth is Strong in This One: A Comparative Analysis of the Fourth Circuit’s Approach to Judicial Scrutiny in Second Amendment Cases
By Joseph McManus

The Need for Breedlove in North Carolina: Why North Carolina Courts Should Employ a Strict Scrutiny Review for Religious Liberty Claims Even in Wake of Smith
By Ragan Riddle