Moot Court
The Moot Court Program at Elon Law
The Moot Court Board invites rising 2L and 3L students at Elon Law to compete each spring in the Intramural Moot Court Competition where up to 20 of the top students in this annual contest are invited to join the Moot Court Board and to participate in the Board activities, which include sponsoring the intramural competition, hosting the Billings, Exum & Frye National Moot Court Competition, and fielding our own teams in competitions across the country.
Through moot court experiences, Elon Law students hone the skills they learn in legal methods and advocacy courses and gain confidence in their ability to put those skills into practice as effective advocates for clients.
The Moot Court Board
The Moot Court Board is comprised of students who have excelled in the school’s annual intramural moot court competition, which is hosted each spring by the Board. Members of the Moot Court Board join teams coached by the law school’s faculty, competing in interscholastic competitions with other law schools throughout the nation.
The students of the Moot Court Board have realized continuing success since the Board’s formation during the 2008-09 academic year, achieving multiple successes at national competitions. The board also hosts the annual Billings, Exum & Frye National Moot Court Competition, which each autumn brings more than 40 teams from dozens of law schools to Elon Law.