Interlibrary Loan
The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) department will attempt to obtain material not available in the Elon collection from other institutions for Elon Law students, staff, and faculty. Prior to making an ILL request, please check the Elon University catalog to see if the material is available in either the Law Library or the main campus library. Requests for material available at main campus can be made online through the library catalog by selecting the “Request” option and designating the Law Library as the pickup location. See Belk Library’s detailed instructions.
NOTE: Because ILL requests are sent to Belk Library on Elon University’s main campus, you may encounter delays in processing requests.
The loan period for ILL materials is determined by the lending library. This period is typically from two weeks to a month. Materials must be returned to the Circulation Desk on or before the specified due date. If ILL material is needed longer, requests to extend or renew can be made at the Circulation Desk or via e-mail. Renewals are not guaranteed as they are determined by the lending library.
ILL’s are subject to recall if the lending library needs the title returned before the said loan period. Patrons will be notified via e-mail if a title is recalled.
All ILL materials are subject to fines for damaged books, late returns and lost items. Fines are typically determined by the lending library, with additional processing charges applied by Elon Law.