Applying to Elon Law

The application for Fall 2025 admission opened September 1, 2024 and will close on July 15, 2025. Applicants to the Full-Time (Greensboro) program and Flex/Part Time (Charlotte) program will complete the application below.

We employ a rolling admissions process. Applications are reviewed and admissions offers extended throughout the admissions cycle generally from November – July.

Elon Law only accepts applications submitted through the Law School Admission Council (LSAC). The Elon Law application is FREE of charge. 

Please call the LSAC Help Desk at (215) 968-1393 in the event you encounter any technical difficulties using the online application service.

General Application Requirements

The Law School enrolls first-year students only in early August.

To be considered for admission, ALL applicants (Full Time-Greensboro and Flex-Charlotte) must follow this procedure:

  • Application Applicants must submit a law school application through LSAC.  It is FREE to apply to Elon Law.
  • Law School Admission Test (LSAT) Each applicant must take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), administered by the Law School Admission Council (LSAC). A Credential Assembly Service (CAS) Report will be requested by the Law School. The results of a test taken more than five years before the date for which the applicant seeks admission will not be considered. Applicants may contact LSAC at (215) 968-1001 or for more information about taking the LSAT, test administration dates, etc. The Elon University School of Law LSAC code number is 5500.
  • LSAC’s Credential Assembly Service (CAS) Each applicant must register with CAS so that Elon Law will receive a current Law School Report. As part of the CAS report, applicants must request all undergraduate, graduate, and/or law school transcripts and letters of recommendation to be sent to LSAC directly for review. It is the applicant’s responsibility to meet all of LSAC’s requirements and to ensure Elon Law receives a completed CAS report. An official LSAT score is also required to generate a completed CAS report. Please refer to LSAC’s website for further details.
  • Bachelor’s Degree or Equivalent Applicants must earn a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) from an accredited institution before enrolling at Elon Law. Students may apply who have not yet earned their bachelor’s degree, but expect to earn their degree before enrolling in August.
  • Resumé Applicants should include a resumé as part of their application that includes relevant work/volunteer experience, campus activities/leadership roles, special skills, details of education, etc. Please limit resumes to 2 pages or less. Even if a resumé is submitted, the applicant must still respond to all questions on the application.
  • Personal Statement Applicants should provide a personal statement that answers the prompt as written in Elon Law’s application. Responses should be no more than 4 pages, double-spaced with size 12 font. Your statement should answer the prompt copied below:

“What has led you to apply to Elon University School of Law? Explain how the character and educational program of Elon Law match your academic and professional goals. Discuss what you believe Elon Law has to offer you and what you have to offer it. In addition, discuss your motivations for studying law and entering the legal profession.”

While a personal statement is required, there are additional statements, optional essays, and addenda that applicants may choose to submit as part of their application. Additional essay topics are listed in Elon Law’s application if you choose to submit one or more of these optional statements. Please note that the Character & Fitness addendum is not optional if you noted “yes” to any question.

  • Letters of Recommendation Each applicant must provide at least two (2) letters of recommendation. These letters should be submitted to LSAC’s CAS, which will then forward them to the Law School. A letter may be sent directly from a recommender to the Law School when it addresses an applicant’s fitness for Elon’s particular program.
  • Interview The law school conducts interviews of candidates who are competitive for admission. This is part of the school’s holistic approach to evaluating candidates and allows the candidate, and law school, to learn more about each other than brochures, web sites, or application documents can reveal. Applicants who are invited for an interview will talk with a faculty member or administrator. Recognizing that many applicants are located in other states, the Law School offers phone interviews only at this time. Every applicant who is ultimately admitted will have an interview, though every applicant will not necessarily be invited for an interview. All applicants and prospective students, whether invited for an interview or not, are welcome to visit the law school to speak to an admissions professional or student ambassador, tour our facility, and gain a true sense of the Elon Law community by emailing

Additional Considerations When Applying

Academic Dismissal

An applicant who has been academically dismissed from a law school must wait at least two years following that dismissal to apply for admission to Elon Law. A letter of good standing from the applicant’s school will also be required to be submitted directly to the admissions office at

Application Materials

The application and supporting materials should be submitted through LSAC. Additional application materials or addenda specific to Elon Law may be submitted to the Elon Law Admissions Office at or at “Elon Law Admissions Office, 201 North Greene Street, Greensboro, North Carolina, 27401”. Requests for more information and questions should also be directed to this office by emailing or calling 336-279-9229.

The Law School will attempt to notify an applicant if a required item is missing from the application file. The most common reason applicants may be marked as incomplete are due to a missing CAS report, missing an item from a CAS report, and/or failure to include a Character & Fitness Addendum/Explanation (if applicable). The applicant remains ultimately responsible for ensuring that the application file is completed in a timely manner with all of the required materials. 

Elon Law applicants are under a continuing obligation after the submission of their application to notify the Law School of any changes in the information provided in their application responses.  See the Character & Fitness Requirements for more information.

Applicants should retain copies of their law school applications since many state boards of law examiners request copies of applications in connection with taking a state bar exam. All materials submitted in support of an application become the property of the Law School.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Admissions Office at 336-279-9229, 888-ELON-LAW, or We appreciate your interest in Elon Law and look forward to reviewing your application!

Elon University, including Elon University School of Law, does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, creed, sex, national or ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or veteran’s status or any other characteristic protected by law in the recruitment and admission of students, the recruitment and employment of faculty and staff, or the operation of any of its programs. Students with documented disabilities may request in writing reasonable special services and accommodations. Questions should be directed to Ms. Susan Wise, disability services coordinator, Duke 108H, (336) 278-6500. The university’s Section 504 coordinator for students and Title IX coordinator is Ms. Jana Lynn Patterson, Ellington Health Center 104E on South O’Kelly Avenue in Elon, (336) 278-7200. The university’s Section 504 coordinator for applicants and current employees is Mr. John Lew, 314 W. Haggard Ave., (336) 278-5560. In accordance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act, complete information regarding campus security policies and programs and campus crime statistics is available upon request from the Director of University Relations, 2030 Campus Box. Information regarding completion and graduation rates may be obtained from the Office of Admissions or at