Student Life and Learning in the Flex Program
Upcoming Events at Elon University’s Charlotte Campus
Wednesday, January 22 (6 – 8 p.m.): WE Read President’s Book Club Charlotte Discussion | President Connie Book will lead a discussion of the book “Real Self Care” by Pooja Lakshmin. This Women of Elon gathering will include a virtual fireside chat with President Book which will be recorded for Flex students to view. This is a great opportunity to learn about the wellness strategies the President found that the book addresses for all women. The first 5 Flex students to sign up will be provided a complimentary copy of the book. Register Here.
Tuesday, January 28 (5:00 – 6:00 p.m.): Flex Students & Alumni Relations | Join Dean Leighty from the Office of Development and Alumni Relations and Elon Alumni for an elevated Evening Docket. The Evening Docket will start with programming from the Alumni Office and conclude with time to network with Elon alumni over refreshments.
Networking Opportunities for Part-Time Law Students
Tuesday, January 7 (9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.): Aviation & The Law: A Panel Discussion | Law students from around the state are invited to the CLT Airport for a panel discussion featuring aviation attorneys, city attorneys, and government attorneys. Lunch and a tour of the aviation museum will be provided. Registration Full.
Tuesday, January 7 (5:15 – 6:00 p.m.): Winter Evening Dockets Begin | We will continue the tradition of Evening Dockets with a shift to them being held before class on Tuesday evenings. We invite you to arrive to campus earlier this evening to mingle with current and prospective Flex students, faculty, and staff. On the last Tuesday of each month, we welcome visitors (on January 28th, the Alumni Office will join us!)
Friday, January 17 (10 – 11 a.m.): College Coffee with Human Service Studies | Drop in for College Coffee for coffee, snacks, networking, and more! This month’s College Coffee will highlight nonprofit partners and include Human Service Studies practicum students. This is an excellent networking opportunity for Flex students interested in nonprofit law or seeking ways to support their community through action. Register Here
Pro Bono, Academic, and Other Opportunities
Tuesday, January 14 (5:15 – 7:00 p.m.): Flex Program Town Hall | Join Deans Kramer, Woodlief, Dooley, and Mrs. Butterworth after the Evening Docket for an open discussion about the Flex Program. We welcome student insight into what went well during the Fall trimester and look forward to hearing suggestions for how to make the student experience even better.
Recent Flex Program News
Important Winter Trimester Dates:
Monday, January 6: Classes Start (LMC I on M/W, Torts on T/Th)
Monday, January 20: No Class, University Holiday
Now Available: Winter & Spring 2025 Course Information on the Law Registrar Page (along with lots of other helpful links!)