Leadership Studies Minor

The Leadership Studies minor is based on the concept that underlies the Elon Experiences, and is at the heart of an Elon education: active and engaged learning. The study of leadership must be an effective marriage of content and process; this minor is designed to provide both.

Experiential Learning Requirement

The Experiential Learning Requirement (ELR) is a graduation requirement for all Elon University students. The ELR expands upon the Five Elon Experiences (leadership development, study abroad, internships, undergraduate research and service-learning) by providing a structure to facilitate and encourage students to practice close observation of the world around them and to reflect with insightful observations.  The Center for Leadership manages the Leadership ELR.

OΔK National Leadership Honor Society

Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society, is based on the idea that leadership of exceptional quality and versatility in college should be recognized. This is the goal of our circle. The Elon University Circle of OΔK recognizes and encourages achievement in scholarship, athletics, campus government, journalism, speech, the mass media and creative and performing arts.

Leadership Prize

The Leadership Prize is a program of $7,500 research grant to enable Elon students from all academic areas to apply their intellectual and leadership skills toward inquiry through a mentored, community-based project effecting social change.

Hilaire Pickett Leadership Grant

Hilaire Pickett Leadership Grants support students in their junior or senior years to pursue leadership internships or legacy efforts (rising juniors and seniors should apply).

Leadership Learning in the Classroom

The Center for Leadership offers faculty and staff the opportunity to engage their class in an interactive session focused on leadership. We offer the following opportunities including: 15-minute overview presentation of leadership resources, Leadership “To Go” Box with curated curriculum and materials provided, and custom Leadershops to enhance your students’ skills on various leadership topics.

Leadership Faculty Scholars

Elon’s Leadership Faculty Scholars program supports faculty who are interested in incorporating a leadership education component into their courses and exploring relevant pedagogies. The program has had participants from every college and most departments at Elon.